#onplanoctober Days One & Two – Housekeeping and Domestic Arrangements

We made a great start to our #onplanoctober. The things I do for my Slimming World Diet! I still hardly know how these hashtags work but nevertheless it seems to have done something to the internet in my tiny little world. I had six new Instagram followers and my Facebook group really encouraged me on the Day One thread.


#onplanoctober Day Two

#onplanoctober Day Two

Our meals for Day One were Breakfast – Omelette and Salad, Dinner – Chicken and Leek Risotto plus Yoghurt for pudding, Tea – Toast and marmalade and a Bran Muffin. I didn’t have my Healthy A today. Must buy some cheese or something.

All this was washed down with a beer and 2 glasses of wine. In fact, the Bran Muffin and the alcohol represented all my syns for the day. But that all changes now. We have imposed a midweek wine embargo on ourselves. This created an immediate difficulty for Naomi who realised that she had half a bottle of white wine left in the fridge. I prefer red wine. Still, by the end of the evening Naomi had gallantly solved the problem while watching the ‘Strictly’ results show.

We have no wine in stock anywhere in the house which will help us in our resolve. I spotted that Candice is also going sober for October. Well done Candice. June and Harriet also said they were joining me in #onplanoctober. I love seeing people making these resolutions.

I did an eight mile walk through some of the local villages here in Gower. I am having some problems with my heart rate at the moment and after seven miles my fitbit showed a bit of a spike which meant I had to have a pint at the Rake and Riddle before doing the last mile. I called Naomi and she joined me for a Bacardi and Coke. All drinks Syned legally and on plan. I now must work out how to use my syns for the rest of this week. Not having alcohol will make things so much easier.

Poached Egg Breakfast with a hint of dishwater flavour

Poached Egg Breakfast with a hint of dishwater flavour

Breakfast this morning was the scene of some disagreement. I am trying to save my Healthy Extras until later in the day and therefore decided to have poached eggs with mushrooms and sweet potato chips cooked in the Actifry. Naomi eschewed these delights in favour of her Chocolate Porridge with Mandarin segments thus using up her Healthy A and B in one meal. Being a target member, she almost doesn’t care these days. She has brilliantly stayed at target every week since reaching it.

Chocolate Porridge with Mandarin Segments

To rub salt into my ‘no chocolate for me’ wound my poached eggs tasted of dishwasher tablets. It turns out that the pods I cook them in need to be hand washed to ensure this doesn’t happen. I ate one egg and threw the other away so I am an egg down on the day. I’m foaming at the mouth over it all!

Published by Ken Jones

This website is all about my Slimming World diet. I started the diet in February 2016. I kept a detailed diary of what happened in my first year. This has now been published as a book called 'The World Of Slimming'

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